A Folha publicou nesta terça-feira minha reportagem “Eventos científicos ‘caça-níqueis’ preocupam cientistas brasileiros”, que fala sobre o agendamento de 116 reuniões científicas simultâneas em fevereiro de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro.
A organizadora dos 116 eventos é a editora Waset (World Academy os Science, Engineering and Technology), que anuncia ser sediada em Riverside, nos EUA, mas seu telefone para contato é dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e, além de inválidos, os registros de suas revistas são da Turquia.
Enquanto no Brasil a Waset consta da seleção Qualis Periódicos, feita pela Capes (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), órgão do MEC (Ministério da Educação), sites de instituições de pesquisa e blogs de cientistas no exterior reúnem depoimentos negativos contra essa editora. Os relatos explicam que as conferências em série se tornam uma só, juntando especialistas de áreas diferentes e servindo apenas para a editora lucrar com taxas de inscrição.
Vale a pena checar
Antes que a página de busca da Waset com os 116 resultados mostrando essas “scam conferences” desapareça da internet, guardo neste blog a lista não só desses eventos —que nem mesmo o hotel citado nela sabia da história— agendados para 1 e 2 de fevereiro de 2016, mas também de outros 110 para 2017 e mais 110 para 2018.
Segue a lista. Se quiser dar sua opinião sobre este assunto, por favor use o espaço de comentários do post.
Conferências marcadas para 2016
ICGEE 2016: International Conference on Geophysical and Environmental Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEGE 2016: International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEASE 2016: International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEOPM 2016: International Conference on Engineering, Operations and Production Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICRES 2016: International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICN 2016: International Conference on Noise Pollution
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSW 2016: International Conference on Solid Waste
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAPC 2016: International Conference on Air Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICW 2016: International Conference on Wastewater
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICWPC 2016: International Conference on Water Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSIM 2016: International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSSC 2016: International Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSP 2016: International Conference on Sustainable Production
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSDE 2016: International Conference on Surface Design and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICP 2016: International Conference on Polymer
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSB 2016: International Conference on Soil Biodiversity
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBC 2016: International Conference on Bone and Cartilage
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICNM 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Materials
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICVI 2016: International Conference on Vaccine and ISV
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICERA 2016: International Conference on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICHE 2016: International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICTT 2016: International Conference on Total Transcription
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEIM 2016: International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICRMM 2016: International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICANNCIML 2016: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSCDM 2016: International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICECIT 2016: International Conference on Emerging Computation and Information Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCICN 2016: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICINS 2016: International Conference on Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSCN 2016: International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSPIN 2016: International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICIEEA 2016: International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCEI 2016: International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICITS 2016: International Conference on Information Technology and Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICNCS 2016: International Conference on Network and Computer Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSIPPR 2016: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICICS 2016: International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICWMN 2016: International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEMI 2016: International Conference on Education and Management Innovation
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
>ICIET 2016: International Conference on Information and Education Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICPEL 2016: International Conference on Politics, Economics and Law
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICGLC 2016: International Conference on Government, Law and Culture
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEE 2016: International Conference on Energy and Environment
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBCBBE 2016: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBEESE 2016: International Conference on Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAFE 2016: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCB 2016: International Conference on Computational Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMCS 2016: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMBE 2016: International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICABSE 2016: International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAEE 2016: International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCINS 2016: International Conference on Communications, Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAVS 2016: International Conference on Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBMB 2016: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFAS 2016: International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICASVM 2016: International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICHIHIM 2016: International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFEBM 2016: International Conference on Financial Engineering and Banking Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
>ICFEM 2016: International Conference on Financial and Economic Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFBI 2016: International Conference on Finance, Banking and Insurance
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFM 2016: International Conference on Financial Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFE 2016: International Conference on Finance and Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICTFD 2016: International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFA 2016: International Conference on Finance and Accounting
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFBE 2016: International Conference on Finance and Business Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFMS 2016: International Conference on Film and Media Studies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCTP 2016: International Conference on Computational and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICDGA 2016: International Conference on Differential Geometry and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMPA 2016: International Conference on Mathematical Physics, and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMTP 2016: International Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICFMT 2016: International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICABBBE 2016: International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEBESE 2016: International Conference on Environmental, Biological and Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCAT 2016: International Conference on Computer and Automation Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICESSE 2016: International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAME 2016: International Conference on Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCSIE 2016: International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICIST 2016: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAM 2016: International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCNSS 2016: International Conference on Computer Networks and Systems Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMLDA 2016: International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEET 2016: International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAAE 2016: International Conference on Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCET 2016: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICISVC 2016: International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCIT 2016: International Conference on Communication and Information Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAMAME 2016: International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAA 2016: International Conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBCSB 2016: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICESET 2016: International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICIESE 2016: International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSPCN 2016: International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICHCI 2016: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBN 2016: International Conference on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCSSE 2016: International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICSMGE 2016: International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEES 2016: International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCBE 2016: International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBSE 2016: International Conference on Building Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMAME 2016: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICECECE 2016: International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICAIS 2016: International Conference on Automotive Information Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMAPT 2016: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Production Techniques
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICINWC 2016: International Conference on Information, Networking and Wireless Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICNMCT 2016: International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communications and Telematics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICIWNCT 2016: International Conference on Internet, Wireless Networks and Communication Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICEIEC 2016: International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICUCC 2016: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMCUN 2016: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCEMAE 2016: International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICMAPE 2016: International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICDUSHRA 2016: International Conference on Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights in America
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICGGE 2016: International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICBMC 2016: International Conference on Building Materials and Components
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICCBM 2016: International Conference on Civil and Building Materials
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
ICME 2016: International Conference on Mining Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 01-02, 2016)
Conferências ‘caça-níqueis’ da Waset marcadas para 2017 no Rio de Janeiro
ICEGE 2017: International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEASE 2017: International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEOPM 2017: International Conference on Engineering, Operations and Production Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICRES 2017: International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICN 2017: International Conference on Noise Pollution
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSW 2017: International Conference on Solid Waste
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAPC 2017: International Conference on Air Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICW 2017: International Conference on Wastewater
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICWPC 2017: International Conference on Water Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSIM 2017: International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSSC 2017: International Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSP 2017: International Conference on Sustainable Production
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSDE 2017: International Conference on Surface Design and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICP 2017: International Conference on Polymer
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSB 2017: International Conference on Soil Biodiversity
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBC 2017: International Conference on Bone and Cartilage
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICNM 2017: International Conference on Nuclear Materials
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICVI 2017: International Conference on Vaccine and ISV
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICERA 2017: International Conference on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICHE 2017: International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICTT 2017: International Conference on Total Transcription
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEIM 2017: International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICRMM 2017: International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICANNCIML 2017: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSCDM 2017: International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICECIT 2017: International Conference on Emerging Computation and Information Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCICN 2017: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICINS 2017: International Conference on Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSCN 2017: International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSPIN 2017: International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICIEEA 2017: International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCEI 2017: International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICITS 2017: International Conference on Information Technology and Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICNCS 2017: International Conference on Network and Computer Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSIPPR 2017: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICICS 2017: International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICWMN 2017: International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEMI 2017: International Conference on Education and Management Innovation
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICIET 2017: International Conference on Information and Education Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICPEL 2017: International Conference on Politics, Economics and Law
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICGLC 2017: International Conference on Government, Law and Culture
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEE 2017: International Conference on Energy and Environment
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBCBBE 2017: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBEESE 2017: International Conference on Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAFE 2017: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCB 2017: International Conference on Computational Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMCS 2017: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMBE 2017: International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICABSE 2017: International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAEE 2017: International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCINS 2017: International Conference on Communications, Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAVS 2017: International Conference on Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBMB 2017: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFAS 2017: International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICASVM 2017: International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICHIHIM 2017: International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFEBM 2017: International Conference on Financial Engineering and Banking Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFEM 2017: International Conference on Financial and Economic Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFBI 2017: International Conference on Finance, Banking and Insurance
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFM 2017: International Conference on Financial Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFE 2017: International Conference on Finance and Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICTFD 2017: International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFA 2017: International Conference on Finance and Accounting
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFBE 2017: International Conference on Finance and Business Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFMS 2017: International Conference on Film and Media Studies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCTP 2017: International Conference on Computational and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICDGA 2017: International Conference on Differential Geometry and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMPA 2017: International Conference on Mathematical Physics, and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMTP 2017: International Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICFMT 2017: International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICABBBE 2017: International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEBESE 2017: International Conference on Environmental, Biological and Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCAT 2017: International Conference on Computer and Automation Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICESSE 2017: International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAME 2017: International Conference on Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCSIE 2017: International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICIST 2017: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAM 2017: International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCNSS 2017: International Conference on Computer Networks and Systems Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMLDA 2017: International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEET 2017: International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAAE 2017: International Conference on Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCET 2017: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICISVC 2017: International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCIT 2017: International Conference on Communication and Information Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAMAME 2017: International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAA 2017: International Conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBCSB 2017: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICESET 2017: International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICIESE 2017: International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSPCN 2017: International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICHCI 2017: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBN 2017: International Conference on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCSSE 2017: International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICSMGE 2017: International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEES 2017: International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCBE 2017: International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICBSE 2017: International Conference on Building Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMAME 2017: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICECECE 2017: International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICAIS 2017: International Conference on Automotive Information Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMAPT 2017: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Production Techniques
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICINWC 2017: International Conference on Information, Networking and Wireless Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICNMCT 2017: International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communications and Telematics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICIWNCT 2017: International Conference on Internet, Wireless Networks and Communication Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICEIEC 2017: International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICUCC 2017: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMCUN 2017: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICCEMAE 2017: International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
ICMAPE 2017: International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2017)
Conferências ‘caça-níqueis’ da Waset marcadas para 2018 no Rio de Janeiro
ICEGE 2018: International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEASE 2018: International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEOPM 2018: International Conference on Engineering, Operations and Production Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICRES 2018: International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICN 2018: International Conference on Noise Pollution
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSW 2018: International Conference on Solid Waste
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAPC 2018: International Conference on Air Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICW 2018: International Conference on Wastewater
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICWPC 2018: International Conference on Water Pollution and Control
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSIM 2018: International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSSC 2018: International Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSP 2018: International Conference on Sustainable Production
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSDE 2018: International Conference on Surface Design and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICP 2018: International Conference on Polymer
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSB 2018: International Conference on Soil Biodiversity
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBC 2018: International Conference on Bone and Cartilage
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICNM 2018: International Conference on Nuclear Materials
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICVI 2018: International Conference on Vaccine and ISV
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICERA 2018: International Conference on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICHE 2018: International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICTT 2018: International Conference on Total Transcription
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEIM 2018: International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICRMM 2018: International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICANNCIML 2018: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSCDM 2018: International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICECIT 2018: International Conference on Emerging Computation and Information Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCICN 2018: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICINS 2018: International Conference on Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSCN 2018: International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSPIN 2018: International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICIEEA 2018: International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCEI 2018: International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICITS 2018: International Conference on Information Technology and Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICNCS 2018: International Conference on Network and Computer Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSIPPR 2018: International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICICS 2018: International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICWMN 2018: International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEMI 2018: International Conference on Education and Management Innovation
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICIET 2018: International Conference on Information and Education Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICPEL 2018: International Conference on Politics, Economics and Law
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICGLC 2018: International Conference on Government, Law and Culture
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEE 2018: International Conference on Energy and Environment
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBCBBE 2018: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBEESE 2018: International Conference on Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAFE 2018: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCB 2018: International Conference on Computational Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMCS 2018: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMBE 2018: International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICABSE 2018: International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAEE 2018: International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCINS 2018: International Conference on Communications, Information and Network Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAVS 2018: International Conference on Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBMB 2018: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFAS 2018: International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICASVM 2018: International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICHIHIM 2018: International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFEBM 2018: International Conference on Financial Engineering and Banking Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFEM 2018: International Conference on Financial and Economic Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFBI 2018: International Conference on Finance, Banking and Insurance
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFM 2018: International Conference on Financial Management
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFE 2018: International Conference on Finance and Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICTFD 2018: International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFA 2018: International Conference on Finance and Accounting
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFBE 2018: International Conference on Finance and Business Economics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFMS 2018: International Conference on Film and Media Studies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCTP 2018: International Conference on Computational and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICDGA 2018: International Conference on Differential Geometry and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMPA 2018: International Conference on Mathematical Physics, and Applications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMTP 2018: International Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICFMT 2018: International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICABBBE 2018: International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEBESE 2018: International Conference on Environmental, Biological and Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCAT 2018: International Conference on Computer and Automation Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICESSE 2018: International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAME 2018: International Conference on Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCSIE 2018: International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICIST 2018: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAM 2018: International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCNSS 2018: International Conference on Computer Networks and Systems Security
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMLDA 2018: International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEET 2018: International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAAE 2018: International Conference on Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCET 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICISVC 2018: International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCIT 2018: International Conference on Communication and Information Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAMAME 2018: International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAA 2018: International Conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBCSB 2018: International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICESET 2018: International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering and Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICIESE 2018: International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSPCN 2018: International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICHCI 2018: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBN 2018: International Conference on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCSSE 2018: International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICSMGE 2018: International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEES 2018: International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCBE 2018: International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICBSE 2018: International Conference on Building Science and Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMAME 2018: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICECECE 2018: International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICAIS 2018: International Conference on Automotive Information Systems
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMAPT 2018: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Production Techniques
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICINWC 2018: International Conference on Information, Networking and Wireless Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICNMCT 2018: International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communications and Telematics
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICIWNCT 2018: International Conference on Internet, Wireless Networks and Communication Technology
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICEIEC 2018: International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICUCC 2018: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMCUN 2018: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICCEMAE 2018: International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)
ICMAPE 2018: International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering
Rio de Janeiro (Feb 11-12, 2018)