(Complemento dos posts “Pós-graduação brasileira aceita 201 revistas ‘predatórias'”, de 9.mar e “Sobe para 235 a lista dos predatórios da pós-graduação brasileira”, de 3.abr.)
- Este levantamento teve como ponto de partida o cruzamento de informações do Qualis Periódicos com a lista de editores (publishers) acadêmicos classificados como “potenciais, possíveis ou prováveis “predatórios do acesso aberto” no blog “Scholarly Open Access”, que se baseia em normas do Cope (Comitee on Publication Ethics) compiladas por esse mesmo blog.
- Todos os publishers listados foram prévia e formalmente consultados sobre sua inclusão e suas posições estão contempladas nas reportagens indicadas acima.
- A presença de um periódico na presente lista não implica julgamento da qualidade dos artigos nele publicados. O que está em questão são as condições de aprovação para publicação.
- Os valores entre parênteses correspondem às taxas de submissão de artigos cobradas de seus autores.
- A quantidade de periódicos de alguns publishers pode ser maior devido a diferentes versões e registros ISSN de títulos homônimos.
- Entre os critérios para inclusão na presente lista —verificados por este blog para cada publisher— se destacam:
1) MÉDIA inferior a dois meses entre as datas de apresentação e de aceitação de artigos;
2) falta de informações sobre as datas de apresentação e de aceitação de artigos;
3) divulgação por parte dos próprios publishers de prazos de aceitação rápida de artigos;
4) operações casadas de organização de eventos pelos publishers com publicações de trabalhos apresentados em congressos em formato de artigos processados por peer review em vez de anais de congressos;
5) prática de spams para solicitar artigos a autores;
6) divergência entre a data de publicação do artigo e a dos metadados do respectivo arquivo, sem indicação expressa de correção ou qualquer outra alteração que justificaria a mudança do conteúdo originalmente publicado.
- African Journal of Agricultural Research (US$ 600)
- African Journal of Biotechnology (US$ 650)
- African Journal of Business Management (US$ 550)
- African Journal of Food Science (US$ 550)
- African Journal of Microbiology Research (US$ 550)
- African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (US$ 600)
- Educational Research and Reviews (US$ 550)
- International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (US$ 550)
- Journal of Accounting and Taxation (US$ 550)
- Journal of Horticulture and Forestry (US$ 550)
- Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (US$ 600)
- Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology (US$ 650)
- Scientific Research and Essays (US$ 550)
- American Journal of Food Technology
- American Journal of Plant Physiology
- Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
- Asian Journal of Plant Pathology
- European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine
- International Journal of Agricultural Research
- International Journal of Biological Chemistry
- International Journal of Cancer Research
- International Journal of Dairy Science
- International Journal of Zoological Research
- Journal of Entomology
- Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
- Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Journal of Plant Sciences
- Research Journal of Botany
- Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
- Research Journal of Forestry
- Research Journal of Medicinal Plant
- Research Journal of Microbiology
- Research Journal of Parasitology
- Research Journal of Phytochemistry
- Research Journal of Seed Science
- Trends in Applied Sciences Research
- Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (US$ 800)
- The Open Agriculture Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open AIDS Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Antimicrobial Agents Journal (US$ 150)
- The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Autoimmunity Journal (US$ 590)
- The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal (US$ 250)
- The Open Biochemistry Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Biology Journal (US$ 590)
- The Open Bone Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Business Journal (US$ 590)
- The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal (US$ 250)
- The Open Chemical Engineering Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Complementary Medicine Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Crystallography Journal (US$ 590)
- The Open Dentistry Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Dermatology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Ecology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Endocrinology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Fish Science Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Food Science Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Infectious Diseases Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Management Journal (US$ 250)
- The Open Marine Biology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Medical Devices Journal, 2009 (US$ 590)
- The Open Medical Informatics Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Microbiology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Mycology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Optics Journal (US$ 590)
- The Open Orthopaedics Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Parasitology Journal (US$ 250)
- The Open Pharmacology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Remote Sensing Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Rheumatology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Sports Sciences Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Toxicology Journal (US$ 250)
- The Open Transplantation Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Tropical Medicine Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Veterinary Science Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Virology Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Waste Management Journal (US$ 800)
- The Open Zoology Journal (US$ 590)
CCSE (Canadian Center of Science and Education)
- Energy and Environment Research (US$ 300)
- Environment and Natural Resources Research (US$ 300)
- International Business Research (US$ 300)
- International Journal of Biology (US$ 350)
- International Journal of Business and Management (US$ 300)
- International Journal of Economics and Finance (US$ 300)
- International Journal of Psychological Studies (US$ 300)
- International Journal of Statistics and Probability (US$ 300)
- Journal of Agricultural Science (US$ 300)
- Journal of Food Research (US$ 300)
- Journal of Sustainable Development (US$ 300)
- Review of European Studies (US$ 300)
- Computer Technology and Application (US$ 500)
- Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (US$ 500)
- Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture (US$ 500)
- Journal of Communication and Computer (US$ 500)
- Journal of Earth Science and Engineering (US$ 500)
- Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (US$ 500)
- Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (US$ 500)
- Journal of Life Sciences (US$ 500)
- Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (US$ 500)
- Journal of Mathematics and System Science (US$ 500)
- Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation (US$ 500)
- Journal of Physical Science and Application (US$ 500)
IACSIT (International Academy of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (US$ 350)
- International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (US$ 350)
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology (US$ 350)
IJENS (International Journals of Engineering and Services)
- International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (US$ 245)
- International Journal of Civil & Environemental Engineering (US$ 245)
- International Journal of Engineering & Technology (US$ 245)
International Research Journals
- African Journal of Food Science and Technology US$ 400
- Educational Research US$ 400
- International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and soil Science US$ 400
- International Research Journal of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics US$ 400
- International Research Journal of Biotechnology US$ 400
- International Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovation US$ 400
- International Reseach Journal of Microbiology US$400
- International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology US$ 400
- Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences US$ 450
- Journal of Research in International Business and Management US$ 400
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
- Entropy (US$ 1310)
- Forests (US$ 875)
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (US$ 1750)
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences (US$ 1750)
- Marine Drugs (US$ 1965)
- Materials (US$ 1530)
- Molecules (US$ 1965)
- Remote Sensing (US$ 1310)
- Sensors (US$ 1965)
- Toxins (US$ 1090)
- Viruses (US$ 1530)
Omics Publishing Group
- Biochemistry & Pharmacology (US$ 1200)
- Dentistry (US$ 900)
- Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome (US$ 1000)
- Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy (US$ 1000)
- Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research (US$ 1800)
- Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine (US$ 1800)
- Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability (US$ 2700)
- Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy (US$ 2700)
- Journal of Cell Science & Therapy (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques (US$ 900)
- Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology (US$ 2700)
- Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Cytology & Histology (US$ 1000)
- Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism (US$ 2700)
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography (US$ 900)
- Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology (US$ 900)
- Journal of Forensic Research (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System (US$ 1700)
- Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology (US$ 1200)
- Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis (US$ 1800)
- Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology (US$ 2700)
- Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics (US$ 1300)
- Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics (US$ 1800)
- Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering (US$ 1500)
- Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination (US$ 900)
- Molecular Biology (US$ 900)
- Medical & Surgical Urology (US$ 1000)
- Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta (US$ 2000)
- American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Applied Sciences (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Bioinformatics (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Environmental Sciences (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Immunology (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Infectious Diseases (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Neuroscience (US$ 525)
- American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology (US$ 525)
- American Medical Journal (US$ 525)
- Journal of Computer Science (US$ 525)
- Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (US$ 525)
- Online Journal of Biological Sciences (US$ 525)
Scirp (Scientific Research Publishing)
- Advances in Breast Cancer Research (US$ 700)
- Advances in Microbiology (US$ 800)
- Agricultural Sciences (US$ 800)
- American Journal of Analytical Chemistry (US$ 800)
- American Journal of Climate Change (US$ 600)
- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (US$ 500)
- American Journal of Molecular Biology (US$ 800)
- American Journal of Plant Sciences (US$ 800)
- Applied Mathematics (US$ 700)
- Atmospheric and Climate Sciences (US$ 800)
- Creative Education (US$ 900)
- Energy and Power Engineering (US$ 800)
- Engineering (US$ 800)
- Food and Nutrition Sciences (US$ 1000)
- Health (US$ 1000)
- International Journal of Clinical Medicine (US$ 1000)
- International Journal of Geosciences (US$ 800)
- Journal of Biophysical Chemistry (US$ 700)
- Journal of Cancer Therapy (US$ 1000)
- Journal of Environmental Protection (US$ 800)
- Journal of Geographic Information System (US$ 800)
- Journal of Modern Physics (US$ 900)
- Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (US$ 800)
- Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems (US$ 600)
- Journal of Water Resource and Protection (US$ 900)
- Materials Sciences and Applications (US$ 800)
- Modern Economy (US$ 800)
- Natural Resources (US$ 600)
- Open Journal of Ecology (US$ 700)
- Open Journal of Geology (US$ 700)
- Open Journal of Marine Science (US$ 800)
- Open Journal of Medical Microbiology (US$ 600)
- Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (US$ 700)
- Open Journal of Stomatology (US$ 900)
- Open Journal of Urology (US$ 800)
- Psychology (US$ 700)
- Theoretical Economics Letters (US$ 800)
- World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (US$ 600)
Waset (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology)*
- ISSN 1307-6884 (US$ 225)
- ISSN 1307-6892 (US$ 225)**
- ISSN 2010-376X (US$ 225)
- ISSN 2010-3778 (US$ 225)
WSEAS (World Science and Engineering Academy Society)***
- WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music [ISSN: 1109-9577 – descontinuado]
- WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics [ISSN: 1991-8747]
- WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics [ISSN: 2224-3429]
- WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine
- WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
- WSEAS Transactions on Circuits
- WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
- WSEAS Transactions on Communications
- WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research [ISSN: 1991-8755 – descontinuado]
- WSEAS Transactions on Computers
- WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
- WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
- WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
- WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
- WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
- WSEAS Transactions on Systems
- WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
* O Qualis registra indevidamente o nome do publisher Waset em vez de títulos de seus periódicos. Para complicar, a editora tem dez revistas, mas o registro da Capes faz com elas um imbróglio com quatro códigos numéricos ISSN. Dois desses registros são da Turquia (1307-6884 e 1307-6892), mas inválidos, e os outros dois, de Singapura (2010-376X e 2010-3778), foram cancelados, segundo informaçnoes prestadas oficialmente pelo Centro Internacional do ISSN, sediado em Paris, na França.
** Registro “compartilhado” por pelo menos duas publicações no Qualis.
***O WASEAS não tem clareza sobre os valores de suas taxas de processamento de artigos. O publisher tem feito muitas “operações casadas” que envolvem taxas de inscrição em eventos.
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Retornar ao post “Sobe para 235 a lista de predatórios na pós-graduação brasileira”.